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Southport Home Appeals To Community In Bid To Get 100 Cards For Resident Turning 100

A Southport home is calling on the support of the community to help reach 100 birthday cards for one of their residents.

Amelia ‘Millie’ Goddards lives at MHA Connell Court and will be turning 100 on the 7th of January 2024.

The home is appealing to members of the local community to get at least 100 cards for Millie by her birthday.

There will be a party at the home to celebrate the big day with Millie expected to receive a telegram from the King.

The deputy lieutenant of Merseyside, Julie Lawson BEM will be visiting the home and will present Millie with the telegram.

The home has put a post on social media to gain the attention of the public.

Anna Harvey, home manager said:
“We did something similar a few years ago for one of our other residents, Agnes and it proved to be very successful.

Agnes was Millie’s best friend so we decided to do the same for her.

“We are asking for the community to get behind us and support the cause by either posting or dropping off the cards.

“Millie is a delight and we are looking forward to celebrating her birthday.

“There will be some live entertainment on the day and Millie’s niece will also be joining us.

“Her husband Fred also lived at MHA Connell Court, they were both married for 63 years and we are confident we will reach our target before the deadline of her birthday.”














