Get Your Bathroom Ready For When You Return From Hospital
After a stay in hospital, it’s wonderful to hear the words “you can go home”.
But if your physical needs have changed, it’s important that you can live at home safely and without any struggle. This might mean organising equipment or renovations before you come home.
At AHM Installations we are used to installing bathrooms for people coming home from hospital. Here’s our guide to getting it right:
• Take note of what the professionals say. A doctor, nurse or occupational therapist may recommend what activities you need help with. For example, if you need a walking frame or wheelchair, as your bathroom supplier we’d need to know what size it is.
• Know the difference between independent and assisted bathing. If your goal is to remain independent, we’d need to know whether you can sit down and stand up unaided, and how your mobility is likely to change over time. If a carer is going to help, then products such as bath-lifts may need to be considered.
• Ask a family member or close friend to help. Take the pressure off and involve someone you trust in making the decisions.
• Use a bathroom company you can trust. Some companies focus on selling bathroom products without understanding your needs. At AHM our priority is quality of life – we think there’s no point having a product unless it makes things safer and easier for you.
You’re welcome to call us on 0800 731 6495 just for advice – there’s always someone at the end of the phone.
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