
Des Kelly Calls For Informed Debate On The Future Of Residential Care

National-Care-ForumIn his blog today Care homes need to be valued not vilified Des Kelly OBE (NCF Executive Director) responded to alleged comments about the future of residential care services by Simon Stevens and invited the CEO of NHS England to come and see for himself the innovative practice and person-centred support occurring day-in and day-out in NCF member care settings.

If he did say that there would be no care homes in 50 years, then I’m amazed. …I am concerned that such a statement has implications for people living in care homes and their families. It devalues the contribution of dedicated staff who work in care homes and potentially discourages others to think about residential care for future work. It also adds to the prejudicial views held by many commissioners across health and social care. 

“I can’t believe that it is official NHS policy to work towards integrated health and care services that doesn’t involve any care homes …It throws up fundamental questions about choice and control.

Des Kelly sets out the need to respect choice, to establish a clear purpose for residential care services and calls for an informed public debate and a new vision for care homes.

There is an urgent need to challenge the current negative public perceptions of residential care and forms of supported living. A public debate is needed to shift public perceptions and develop a new vision for the future” 

He continues “New and innovative forms of residential care support that are consistent with the principles of person-centred/relationship-centred ways of working are being developed by many National Care Forum members – I’d like to invite Simon Stevens to come and see for himself the innovative practice occurring day-in and day-out in residential care settings.”

Read the full blog:

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