
Social Care Employee Engagement Survey

VODG-LogoTri-partite coalition to tackle critical social care workforce challenges

The two leading organisations representing not for-profit providers, the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group and the National Care Forum, have joined forces with Agenda Consulting to tackle social care workforce challenges.

In an environment of tight financial constraints, the social care sector is managing significant recruitment and retention issues. The turnover of staff is adding unnecessary costs into the system, when we know a highly engaged workforce leads to lower turnover and absence, higher levels of performance and better services for people supported.

To directly tackle these issues the Social Care Employee Engagement Survey will provide deep insight into what influences workforce engagement in social care in order for organisations to better plan and develop their workforce. The survey has been shaped by a reference group of leading experts, comprising HR directors across the VODG and NCF membership.

Des Kelly OBE, Executive Director, NCF said, “NCF is pleased to be working with experts Agenda Consulting (and in partnership with VODG) to develop an employee engagement survey, which will support our members and complement our other HR benchmarking survey work.”

Dr Rhidian Hughes, Chief Executive, VODG added, “Workforce issues, including the recruitment and retention of staff, are some of the greatest challenges facing social care and disability services. All organisations need an informed starting point as to what engages and motivates staff. The valuable insight and evidence collected through the Social Care Engagement Survey will help organisations to further develop strategies and tactics.”

Roger Parry, Director, Agenda Consulting said, “Having conducted almost 60 employee surveys with over 30 social care organisations, we appreciate the importance of identifying what influences engagement and acting on the feedback from employees. We are delighted to work with NCF and VODG to provide deeper insight into engagement and help organisations to improve performance and service in social care.”

The survey offers a new approach, which:

Is designed specifically for the social care sector and offers a range of cost-effective packages

Enables the organisations to compare their results with similar social care organisations

Includes some mandatory questions and some questions relating to regulators’ quality frameworks

Allows organisations to use their own questions and demographics

Enables organisations to choose their own timing

Contributes to sector-wide research on factors influencing engagement in social care

Provides an annual sector-wide report, analysing the results overall and by service type and client group







