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Residents at Local Care Home Enjoy Some ‘Pony Power’!

Collingtree Park care home in Northampton was full of animal magic when a pair of miniature Shetland ponies came to visit. Residents loved feeding, petting and getting to know more about the two very well behaved ponies; Lollypop and Moomin.

These beautiful therapy ponies from Lollipop Pony Parties were an absolute delight. The power of animal therapy is obvious from the smiles on our residents’ faces, as their new four-legged friends roamed through the home, trotting from room to room and spending time with each resident.

Jamie, one of the handlers said: “Lollipop and Moomin have had a wonderful afternoon, I don’t think they have ever had so much attention. It was lovely to see the residents getting so much pleasure from the visit, I think it is fair to say Lollipop Ponies have a new fan club!”

General Manager Nikki Allen said: “Our residents really enjoyed meeting the ponies today, animal interactions of all types can be so beneficial to the continued wellbeing of those living in care; we highly recommend the positive effects of ‘Pony Power!’.”








