IMG 9677

NASHiCS Safety in Care Awards 2019 – Winners

Following the success of their previous awards, NASHiCS is pleased to announce this year’s awards winners.

These prestigious awards were open to everyone who works in the social care sector, across the UK, both members and non-members of NASHiCS whose dedication, skill and knowledge deserved recognition. Nominees were required to submit evidence of innovation and measurable benefits to health and safety management of their organisation

The three categories and the winners are as follows:

  • Individual of the year award; (sponsored by Jackloc )
  • WINNER: Shonagh Methven, Head of Health and Safety, United Response


  • Learning and training award; (sponsored by Tower Fire Group)
  • WINNER: Sunrise Senior Living UK and Gracewell Healthcare


  • Best practice award. (sponsored by Surety Fire Solutions)
  • WINNER: Care UK


Finalists were announced at the Safety in Care Awards Dinner on the eve of Wednesday 11th September 2019 as part of our National Conference titled “Keeping up to par”. Around 100 social care professionals attended the conference over the two days.

Comments Chris Jackson, National Chair for NASHiCS,

“Congratulations to our winners. We received a very impressive set of nominations this year, highlighting some high-quality and thought-provoking initiatives and it is encouraging that so many providers are taking responsibility for developing new, efficient approaches to managing health and safety.’