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Miniature Ponies Steal Hearts At Wakefield Care Home

Pony power was in full force at Lofthouse Grange and Lodge Care Home in Wakefield, as two ponies, Pinky and Matilda, captured the hearts of the residents as soon as they trotted through the entrance!

The home is part of the Orchard Care Homes group, which looks after 23 care homes in the Midlands and the North of England.

Pinky and Matilda’s visit is typical of both the home and the group’s dedication to enriching residents’ lives; with a commitment to crafting personalised and meaningful experiences that cater to each resident’s unique needs and preferences.

The pair belong to Chantelle from Mobile Mini Ponies in Sheffield, which stages popular pony-themed parties and gatherings.

Not surprisingly, colleagues and residents alike welcomed the furry pair with open arms, who arrived in matching colour-coordinated outfits, with lots of cooing and cuddling.

Pinky and Matilda were well-fed on carrots throughout their journey around the home but they weren’t the only ones treated to snacks – the residents enjoyed chocolates handed out by Chantelle on her way around!

Donna Worsley, Activities Coordinator at Lofthouse Grange and Lodge, said:
“The ponies’ tutus and bows made their presence in the home even more magical and it was so rewarding to see our residents’ faces as they trotted in and out of our various communities.”

She added: “Having these sweet little animals come inside the home meant it was an activity for everyone to enjoy.

“There are certain residents who relax in their bedrooms a lot during the winter and they loved having the mini Shetlands inside their room!”

It was a particularly special memory for one Lofthouse Grange and Lodge resident, Madeleine, who used to live on a farm growing up – Pinky and Matilda immediately sensed her love for animals and took a real liking to her.

Madeleine said: “We used to have so many animals when I was growing up and we had plenty of horses. I was always a bit nervous to try horse riding but I loved caring for them!”