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Liverpool Care Home Partners With The Brain Charity For Groundbreaking Dance Therapy Study

Exemplar Health Care, a leading provider of specialist care for adults living with complex needs, has announced a new partnership with The Brain Charity, a local organisation that supports people with neurological conditions.

The partnership involves a 12-week course called ‘Music Makes Us Move’, which consists of dance classes for residents at Kavanagh Place, an Exemplar Health Care home in Liverpool that supports people with neurological conditions including brain injuries and strokes, dementia, as well as mental health conditions and spinal injuries.

The dance classes are designed to help residents express themselves, stimulate their cognition, and improve their movement and wellbeing. The course is also part of a research project by The Brain Charity to evaluate the impact of song and dance on people with different neurological conditions.

The Brain Charity offers emotional support, practical help and social activities to anyone with a neurological condition and to their family, friends, and carers. Kavanagh Place residents have previously attended the charity’s hub, based in Liverpool city centre, where they offer a variety of different activities throughout the week such as a choir, board game afternoons and origami sessions.

Exemplar Health Care strongly advocates for community engagement among its residents through various means. Dance classes have proven to be an effective way of fostering a sense of togetherness, generating laughter, excitement, and brain stimulation.

Sarah Bamford Activities Co-ordinator at Kavanagh Place, said: “Working with The Brain Charity has been a fantastic experience. Their proximity and diverse range of activities make them an ideal partner for Exemplar Health Care. We have been pleasantly surprised by the level of participation and enjoyment our residents have derived from this partnership, and we hope the data generated from the 12-week programme will strengthen the case for the greater use of similar therapeutic interventions in care services across the city.”