
HC-One Baked Their Way To Success For Macmillan

Staff at a HC-One care home in Clackmannshire raised over £200 by taking part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The Orchard Care Centre welcomed in members of the community and children from Glen View Cottage Nursery for a selection of show stopping cakes and biscuits in a bid to help raise vital funds for people affected by cancer.

A number of staff at HC-One produced a variety of sweet treats, whilst visitors also enjoyed dancing and singing along with the children.

Fiona Johnstone, Care Home Manager at The Orchard Care Centre, said: “We’re extremely grateful for the generosity and support shown by staff and all the visitors who donated their time and money for Macmillan.

“It was a great day and a fantastic opportunity to come together to raise money for such a wonderful cause.
“Most of us know someone who’s had cancer and the £242.79 which was raised at our coffee morning will help to make sure that no one has to face it alone.”

There was lots on offer to keep guests entertained, including music from singer Norman Skinner and a visit from the community police team (Leigh Allan and co-partner).

Cottage nursery also held a bake sale and raised a total of £26.40, which will be included in HC-One’s total.







