Fundraising – It’s A Truly Family Affair In One Hampshire Nursing Home!
Two generations of a local family have helped to raise funds that will benefit the lives of many elderly residents of Chatterwood House, a Liss-based nursing home.
Shirley Parker, a resident at Chatterwood, has her daughters and grand-daughter to thank for a welcome cash injection into the nursing home’s activities fund.
Shirley’s daughters, Debbie and Claire, who a year ago, presented a cheque to the Chatterwood Residents Funds Account for the sum of £518, have recently raised £708 at a charity quiz held in Guildford. Together with their husbands and children, the sisters sold tickets to quiz entrants and organised a raffle where the prizes were sourced and donated by local businesses.
Mike, nicknamed “Mike on the Mike” sourced the questions and hosted the quiz. Debbie and Claire chose to donate half of the money raised to Chatterwood and the other £354 to The Woking and Sambar Hospice, where their father was cared for in later life.
Not only did Shirley’s daughters raise money for Chatterwood but Shirley’s granddaughter, Laura, and her friend Leah, who are both 11 years old, baked cakes and sold them outside their house to passers-by, raising a grand sum of £25 which they have also donated to Chatterwood.
The staff, family and friends of Chatterwood House would like to thank Debbie, Claire, Laura and Leah for their time and hard work that they’ve put in raising funds for the nursing home.
The money will be spent on maintaining and growing the broad programme of structured, organised activities to entertain and improve the lives of residents, which currently includes reminiscence therapy, musical movement, flower arranging and other crafts, plus the annual summer fete, which is a popular event for the whole community in Petersfield and Liss.