Emotional Wellbeing Of Care Staff
Care England has welcomed the establishment a national support service for care workers.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“Care workers are the front line, they need and deserve a centralised support service where they can glean emotional support. COVID-19 has put even more emotional pressures on adult social care workers and it is of paramount importance that we support them. Our staff are our biggest and best resource and need to be treated accordingly”.
On 29 June Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP, Shadow Minister for Mental Health, proposed a national support service with a centralised number that care workers can ring if and when they need emotional support. Labour’s four stage Care for Carers package would cover all NHS and social care staff in England. Staffed by paid professionals it would include:
1. A new national hotline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
2. Follow-up support, including specialist assessments and referrals
3. Intervention and treatment, including specialised PTSD support
4. Follow-up and sign-posted to external services, such as alcohol and addiction services.
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP, Shadow Minister for Mental Health, says:
“Even before the pandemic hit, the case for investing in this kind of support was clear. Coronavirus has exacerbated the existing crisis in mental health. We need to care for our carers. It is time for the Government to give back to those who have sacrificed so much to keep our loved ones safe. Unless our staff are protected, they cannot continue their vital work of keeping us all safe”.