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Dementia Researchers Gather In Bristol To Share Findings With Public

Alzheimers-Research-UK-logoDementia experts in Bristol are holding a free public meeting on Monday 4 July to discuss the latest research findings and boost public understanding of the condition.

The meeting will involve short talks from dementia experts from scientific, medical, technological and legal backgrounds, all of whom are working to improve the lives of people living with the condition.

The event is being organised by members of the Alzheimer’s Research UK Bristol and Bath Network Centre, a community of dementia researchers from the universities of Bath, Bristol, and the West of England. Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity, funding research into the causes of dementia, diagnosis, preventions and treatments. The charity funds more than £33m of dementia research across the UK, allowing scientists to uncover more about the diseases that cause dementia and contribute to the global effort to put a stop to the heartbreak the condition brings.

Speakers on the day include Dr Nancy Zook, who will talk about the memory and thinking tests used to diagnose dementia; Dr Praminda Caleb-Solly, who will speak about the potential of robotics to support people living with dementia; and Sara Desforges a solicitor who will discuss some of the legal issues that can be important for people with dementia and their families to consider.

Myra Conway, Professor of Biomedical Science at the University of the West of England will be talking about her research into biological tests that could one day be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease sooner and more accurately than is currently possible. She said:

“Dementia is perhaps the greatest medical challenge of our time. This event is a fantastic opportunity for people to hear about the research taking place to find new ways to help people living with this heart breaking condition. There is a wealth of dementia research going on in Bristol and the experts speaking at the meeting are very keen to share their insights into diseases like Alzheimer’s and answer any questions people have about this important topic.”

Robin Brisbourne from Alzheimer’s Research UK, who will be speaking at the meeting, said:

“There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK including more than 4500 in Bristol alone. The impact of the condition is felt even more widely, affecting the lives of entire families and whole networks of people. This event is open to anyone who would like to know more about dementia and the work Alzheimer’s Research UK. Hearing from scientists, clinicians and other dementia experts is a great way to learn more about the condition, the support available to people living with dementia, and progress being made towards finding new treatments.”

The free event will take place between 7pm to 8:15pm on Monday 4 July at the BAWA Health and Leisure Club 589 Southmead Road, Bristol, BS34 7RG. Refreshments will be provided from 6:45 and free parking is available at the venue. For any questions and to book your free place, please contact Jo McTiernan on 0117 4142402 or email: