
Commenting On The Report From The Demos Commission On Residential Care, Janet Morrison, Chief Executive Of Independent Age Said:

“The report from the Demos Commission on Residential Care must serve as the final wake-up call that a funding crisis looms large in social care. The Commission rightly identifies a number of challenges that need to be tackled, including years of underfunding, before we can build a care sector of which we can all be proud.

Another big challenge the Commission highlights are the negative public perceptions of care homes now a number of high-profile cases of abuse have been exposed. We strongly back the recommendation the Care Quality Commission should conduct an annual workforce survey among other measures to tackle head-on worries that abuse and neglect are now rife. Ultimately, the future reputation of the residential care sector relies on addressing these big challenges, not simply re-branding residential care as ‘housing with care’, as the Commission recommends”.







