Care HomesHighlightsNews

Two Newcastle Care Home Colleagues run 24 Miles in 24 Hours to Raise Money for Residents Fund

Two Colleagues from HC-One’s Kirkwood Court care home in Newcastle have ran a mile every hour for a day to raise money for the homes Residents fund.

Having missed out on their main fundraising opportunities this year due to coronavirus, Colleagues at Kirkwood Court decided that they needed to try and find a new way to fundraise for their Residents fund. Throughout the sunny weather one thing that became apparent was how much the Residents would like a Summer House in the garden to be able to enjoy the fresh air in the changing weather.

Colleagues brainstormed and came up with the idea of doing a 24-hour run. Kirkwood Court Care Assistant, Sarah Strawbridge and Lauren Proctor would complete a mile an hour, every hour, for 24 hours. Colleagues chose this idea with care, and with the home being a 24-hour service they thought it was a fitting way to raise money for their own Residents, who they care for 24 hours a day.

Raising money this way also enabled the Residents to be there throughout the challenge. The team at Kirkwood Court drew out a 1-mile route from the home around the community in Kenton. Sarah and Lauren set off at 8am on Thursday 6th August, running a mile every hour for a day.

Around mile 16, Sarah and Lauren started to find it incredibly tough to complete the miles, but constantly reminded themselves of why they were doing it and how good it would be for Residents.

Lauren Proctor said: “It was one of the most challenging things we’ve done but it was all worth it for our Residents.”

The community got involved and helped the two joggers out with local shops donating drinks and food and displaying donation boxes on their till counters. The local ‘Kirkwood News’ shop helped raise just over £500 by doing this, which they home are extremely grateful for.

On the final mile towards the finish, Sarah and Lauren had an incredible welcome home with staff lined up outside shaking pom poms and creating a finishing line for them. Sarah and Lauren have been completely shocked by the kindness and gratitude of the local community as they have raised well over their £2000 goal.

“We didn’t think we would be able to raise as much as we did but we set ourselves a goal of £2000 and have well and truly exceeded it. We can’t wait to get our summerhouse bought and have the Residents enjoying it,” said Sarah Strawbridge.

Angela Douglas, Kirkwood Court Home Manager said: “It’s incredible to see the determination these girls have to succeed and enhance the wellbeing of our Residents. I am incredibly proud of them.”













