
Tesco Volunteer To Transform Chester Care Home Garden

tescogardenjpgA care home in Chester has seen its garden transformed by a group of green heroes from Tesco’s Chester City Centre Community Volunteer Group.

Meridian Healthcare’s Lauren Court garden has been brightened up with an array of plants and bulbs ready for the bloom next spring.

The green-fingered community champions got stuck in with their weeding and planting duties, as well as painting the garden’s benches. A rose plant was given pride of place and after hearing this was a resident’s favourite flower, named ‘Jenny’.

A resident at Lauren Court, commented: “They have done an amazing job and have worked very hard.”

Julie Collins, Meridian Healthcare’s activity co-ordinator, added: “I would like to thank the Tesco team for all their hard work and we are looking forward to them returning to set up a herb garden for the team.”

Kylie Walker, Tesco’s community champion, said: “We would like to thank everyone involved on the day for their hard work and support to give Lauren Court a fresh new look to their garden. Our aim is to support the local community as much as possible. An excellent day was had by all. ”