Nursing Home Residents Hold ‘Barking Hall Week’ To Show Appreciation To Home’s Staff
The residents at Barking Hall Nursing Home in Barking, near Needham Market, were keen to show their appreciated of all staff at Barking Hall and so arranged a special ‘Barking Hall Week’.
Each staff member received a gift bag with a picture on the front connected with their life. For example, one staff member is an avid caravaner, and her bag had a caravan on the front. The bags were put together by the residents with the help of the Activities team.
The cards inside said “Thanks to my carer for being there when I needed you most” or “My heart just keeps thanking you, and thanking you for caring for me”. The colouring in was done by the residents little by little and in secret. Each carer also received a mug that has a letter B for Barking Hall on the front.
The bag contained a marble, gold heart, safety pin, penny and star with this message: “A marble for when you lose yours, A gold heart because you have one, A safety pin to keep you safe, A penny for good luck, and a glowing star because you are one”
Sue Oates, manager of Barking Hall said, “Everyone was really touched by this lovely gesture. It was remarkable for us all to receive these from the residents who were keen to show their gratitude for everyone’s work in what have been the most extraordinary times – I know I will always treasure mine.”