
NACC Training & Development Forum 2020 Will Proceed As A Live Event

The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) is excited to confirm that the NACC Training & Development Forum 2020, including the NACC Awards 2020, will return to the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, on 7-9 October as a live event.

Following the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s announcement that business events, conferences and exhibitions can recommence from 1 October 2020, the association that unites, supports and represents everyone working in and associated with catering in the UK care sector, is able and ready to safely deliver its annual learning and development event.

The NACC Training & Development Forum brings together its members and care catering professionals for an educational and inspirational two-day programme of keynote speakers, certified training workshops, live cookery demonstrations, meet-the-buyer meetings, supplier exhibition and networking.

With sole occupancy of the East Midlands Conference Centre and hotel for the duration of the forum, the NACC is maximising all available space and embracing technology as the covid-secure event is meticulously planned, in line with government guidance. The team is working closely with the venue and a specialist health and safety expert to put in place strict measures to keep delegates, exhibitors and guests informed and safe and to ensure everyone feels comfortable throughout.

Sue Cawthray, National Chair, NACC, said: “The NACC Training & Development Forum couldn’t come at a more crucial time and we’re thrilled that we’re able to offer our members and the care catering sector a live event. Covid-19 has created one of the most challenging periods for our sector and the forum gives us all the much-needed opportunity to focus, learn and continue to support each other as we navigate the current climate and remain agile to ensure we continue to deliver vital services.

“The safety of our delegates, exhibitors, speakers and guests is our priority and strict health and safety guidelines will be in place at all times that meet and go beyond government guidelines. Some elements of the event will, of course, run slightly differently to previous years, but we guarantee that we’ll deliver the relevant and inspiring learning and development opportunities, engagement and networking that care catering professionals expect and appreciate. I very much look forward to seeing many of our care catering colleagues in Nottingham.”

Relevant programme

The packed programme has been carefully designed to help delegates navigate the varied challenges of catering for the elderly, vulnerable and young in care environments, be that in care homes or in the community, especially in the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic.

The expert keynote speakers set to inform and inspire include:

  • Debbie Harris, Managing Director, Autumna: ‘Food Glorious Food’ will consider public perception of the quality of food served in care homes and how with increasing investment in the care home sector and an ageing population, the time has come for the equivalent of the Good Food Guide specifically for the sector.
  • Andrew Cozens CBE, Director, Accain Ltd: The essential question ‘What does the future hold for social care?’ will be discussed by the leading national social care and health policy analyst and improvement specialist with over 40 years’ experience in the social care sector.
  • Jonathan Cunningham MBE, Inspirational Conference Speaker: ‘Inspirational Care Leadership’ will show delegates the importance of leadership in any organisation, centring on really getting to know your team to inspire, develop and, ultimately, get the very best from them.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to gain further knowledge and new ideas by taking part in certified workshops and watching the live cookery demonstrations:

  • Phil Shelley, Chair of the NHS Review & Kerry Trunks, Senior Matron at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust: ‘Food is Medicine’ will explore food and drink as a part of the recovery process and how the care sector and NHS can share good practice to build a strong and robust service.
  • Preston Walker & James Ball, Directors of Oak House Kitchen: ‘Catering in Health & Social Care – The New Normal’ will look at the relationship between residents and patients, catering teams, manufacturers and suppliers and how our sector can collaborate, innovate and adapt to ensure the foodservice delivery can meet the needs of the sector post-covid19.
  • Emma Riley, Healthcare Services Director, RIS Healthcare & Amanda McLaughlin, Senior Training Manager, RIS Healthcare: ‘Importance of Oral Health’ will explore how good oral health enables individuals to communicate effectively, eat and enjoy a variety of foods, and is important in overall quality of life, self-esteem and social confidence.
  • Lesley Carter, Programme Manager, Malnutrition Task Force & Clinical Lead, Age UK: This workshop will discuss malnutrition and older people in the UK, the impact of covid-19, frailty, Malnutrition Awareness Week and the Malnutrition Task Force’s new self-screening animation.
  • Robin Dudley, Business Development Chef, Essential Cuisine: The ‘Making Mealtimes Memorable’ cookery demonstration will show delegates how mealtimes are a social occasion and an opportunity for residents to engage, have a sense of purpose and receive great nutrition through food.

Essential Exhibition

The suppliers to the care catering sector have more than stepped up with their support, flexibility and innovations during the covid-19 pandemic. They will be returning to the NACC Training & Development Forum 2020 to showcase practical solutions, new ideas and innovations that will continue to support the sector as it adapts and evolves into 2021.

NACC Awards 2020

The NACC Awards 2020 recognise dedication, innovation and excellence in care catering. This year’s winners will be announced and celebrated as part of the NACC Training & Development Forum on the evening of Thursday 8 October.

In a year that has seen exceptional challenges, achievements and outstanding contributions, the coveted awards include: Care Establishment of the Year; Meals on Wheels Award; Catering Team of the Year; Catering Manager of the Year; Our Care Catering Hero; Region of the Year; Pam Rhodes Outstanding Achievement Award; National Chairman’s Award and, especially for 2020, the Triumph Over Adversity Award.

Sue continues: “The fantastic and relevant programme gives everyone the opportunity to come together to share best practice, new ideas and innovations, knowledge and perspectives to take back to their workplace and help redefine what their care catering provision looks like post-covid. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to engage with and support like-minded colleagues. We’re an agile sector and we’ve all adapted really well to the virtual way of working – the NACC, for example, has continued to hold its regional seminars online – but when it comes to learning and sharing ideas and experiences, nothing beats being physically present, even if at a distance.

“I’m thrilled that we will be able to celebrate the NACC Awards in person. Recognising excellence, innovation and dedication within care catering has always been very important to the NACC, but in times of adversity and extraordinary challenges it’s all the more pertinent. The coronavirus pandemic has put the care sector at the forefront of caring for and protecting the most vulnerable in our society and it’s going to be a humbling and emotional ceremony as we honour the exceptional contribution of care caterers.”

For further information and to book a delegate place at the NACC Training & Development Forum 2020 visit