
NACC Launches New Guidance to Help Care Providers Comply with CQC’s Fundamental Standards

The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) has launched a new guidance document to support its members and the care sector – How to provide good nutritional care and comply with CQC’s fundamental standards.

Focusing on the absolute importance of good nutrition and hydration as a central part of quality care, the document provides advice and information that will enable regulated residential and social care providers to give excellent nutritional care and meet the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Fundamental Standards, concentrating on the Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE), ‘How are people supported to drink and eat enough and maintain a balanced diet?’.

Each outcome pertaining to this KLOE with relevance to each regulated service is covered and the document details suggested recommended evidence in the form of records, observations and statements that an inspector would be looking for during an inspection. Other linked KLOEs are also highlighted, and template checklists and recording documents included.

Using the guidance, care providers and caterers will be supported in understanding and driving forward improvements in nutritional care to help them achieve good or outstanding CQC ratings for their service and service users.

The NACC’s guidance also provides a practical resource for care services that are not covered by England’s regulatory framework.

Neel Radia, the NACC’s national chair, said: “The importance of food and drink in delivering excellent care cannot be overestimated. An enjoyable meal, with the right nutritional balance, makes a huge difference to a person’s wellbeing and quality of life. We have produced this document for everyone who wants to ensure that mealtimes are a vital part of their care service.

“From nutritional benefits through to the cultural and communal significance of food and drink, we are giving care providers and caterers the tools to ensure catering is at the centre of care, in line with the fundamental standards laid out by the CQC.  Every service user has a right to receive good food and drink that reflects their individual nutritional, cultural, physical and emotional needs. As the association representing care caterers in the UK, it is our duty to support the sector with the resources, such as this document, to do this.”

The essential guidance document is an update of How to comply with CQC’s outcome 5: Meeting nutritional needs and reflects the new fundamental standards inspections by the CQC.

The How to provide good nutritional care and comply with CQC’s fundamental standards document is available in hard copy or CD-Rom format* from