
Marathon Runners Raise Funds For Disabled Veterans

The London Marathon remains one of the biggest charity fundraising events in the UK and this year veterans’ charity The Royal Star & Garter Homes was represented by three runners keen to go the extra mile to raise funds for the Charity they feel so passionately for.

The 26.2-mile course was completed by Pauline Shaw, Director of Care and Service Development, Matt Petersen, a member of the Body of Governors for the Charity and Trevor Griffiths, an ex-Serviceman.

Matt Petersen, an Army reserve and the General Manager of Cowdray Park Polo Club, commented, “As a serving soldier, with now 30 years’ service to Queen and Country behind me, and having experienced the brutality of war and conflict first hand on six operational tours, this Charity has deep resonance with me and I’m extremely proud to support it.”

Pauline said, “I will remember my parents, particularly my mother Daphne Conway, a former resident of The Royal Star & Garter Homes, to whom I owe so very much. I will remember, because it is important to remember the contribution made by the nation’s veterans.”

Trevor explained his reasons for running, “I have read the history of The Royal Star & Garter Homes and can’t wait to raise money to help these ex-service men and women.”

After a gruelling run through London, Trevor completed the course in 4 hours and 33 minutes, whilst Matt finished in 5 hours and 13 minutes and Pauline in 5 hours and 54 minutes.

Reflecting on the day and describing what inspired her, Pauline says, “Taking part in the London Marathon was a truly extraordinary experience and I feel proud to have represented RS&GH and to have fundraised on behalf of our extraordinary residents. There were some tough times as I ran my first marathon, but the thought of all the generous support and love I have received kept me running, despite blisters and cramp…and the distance!”

After the run Pauline proudly visited the Homes to show off her medal to the residents and to tell them about her experience.

So far over £9000 has been raised for the Charity which will go towards providing outstanding nursing, therapeutic and dementia care to the ex-Service community.