Hunters Down Make An Important Video
Hunters Down Care Home in Huntingdon are well known for their creativeness in making video’s. Residents and staff all enjoy taking part and were very excited in the newest video called “Wash Your Hands.”
Hunters Down advises
As lockdown eases and restrictions are slowly being lifted, we would like to remind everyone to continue playing their part to stop the spread of the virus. It is more crucial than ever to follow the rules and have a good hand hygiene. What better way to relay this message than creating a music video?
Words of the song
Wear your mask when out with others
And wash your hands
Stay 2 meters away
Now wash your hands
Wipe all surfaces when you can
Be sensible with your gran
Abide by the travel ban
And wash your hands
Getting the flu shot will help
And wash your hands
Have your vaccine times two
Now sanitiser does work
But this virus still may lurk
How it loves to live in dirt
Now wash your hands
You can go out now and shop
But wash your hands
Eat and socialise outside
But wash your hands
We all miss our friends and family
Wish we could hug them all daily
For now, let’s be careful
And wash our hands
Residents love to take part in the video’s and when they see Kristine, Lifestyle Coordinator they quite often say, “are you going to video us singing and dancing.”
Jayne Hunters Down, Home Manager came up with the lyrics and you can now quite often hear this song being sung throughout Hunters Down. Hunters Down are hoping that this song catches on and it will be sung far and wide.
As the saying goes practice makes perfect and the residents love to repeat the songs and the actions. They all have such a wonderful time which you can tell by the laughter that drifts around the corridors, saying they feel like movie stars.