
Expanding Care Home Group Purchases Fourth Home In Dorset

EexpandingA LEADING Poole nursing home has changed hands in a multi-million pound deal.

Birds Hill Nursing Home has been acquired by Luxury Care Group for an undisclosed sum.

The new owners plan to spend £600,000 on improvements to the 75 bed home over the next two years.

The work will include new bathrooms and updating the furniture as well as purchasing class leading equipment to take the home from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’.

The acquisition of Birds Hill, in Birds Hill Road, Poole, brings the number of homes owned by Luxury Care Group to four. The previous owners were the Seewooruthun family.

The company also owns Aranlaw House in Branksome Park, Poole; Regency Manor in Lower Parkstone, Poole, and Seabourne House in Southbourne, Bournemouth.

Kevin Gunputh, Managing Director, said: “Birds Hill Nursing Home is a well run home with an excellent reputation and we’re very pleased with the purchase. It is very well located next to Poole Hospital and also has some spectacular views over Poole Harbour and out to Brownsea Island.

“My Dad originally built Birds Hill in 1992 with a close family friend, so there was already a certain emotional attachment to the home. I still recall the home when it was going through the build process. I worked in the reception for a number of years and spent most of my Christmas mornings there. I also worked in the kitchen.

“We’re now looking to acquire our fifth home which we consider will be the right size for the company,” added Mr Gunputh.

Ellis Jones Solicitors acted as legal advisers for the purchase of Birds Hill.

Partner Matthew Clake handled the property aspects while Neil Cook, Head of Business Services, who owned and operated a Dorset care home for seven years, carried out the commercial legal work.

Mandy Kittlety, Luxury Care Group’s Director of Care Services, said: “Ellis Jones really supported us through this purchase. Care home purchases have the care side as well as the hotel side to deal with so can be quite complex. Neil Cook’s practical care home experience, in particular, proved invaluable.”

Following the Birds Hill acquisition Luxury Care Group now has 235 beds across its four homes and employs more than 400 people.