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Editor’s Viewpoint – The Carer Readers ‘In Sync’ With Brexit

12178541536_cb81b18c55_bFollowing my comment yesterday it would appear that the readers of The Carer are “in sync” with the majority of the country! Britain has voted to leave the European Union. Our poll was pretty much identical to the final vote with 51% in favour of leaving, and the actual official vote being 51.9%.

No doubt over the upcoming days we will see comments from industry figures, which should make interesting reading. I have followed this debate intensely, and somewhat passionately, and it has been the most significant and interesting debate in my lifetime. Personally I never for the moment believed the doom and gloom messages which crossed boundaries of common-sense!

I am absolutely delighted that our poll (small though it was) called the debate correctly, and was rather amused when I saw a comment regarding the YouGov poll which yet again was wrong. In the words of the late great Eric Morecambe, “You had all the right numbers, but not necessarily in the right order!”

Peter Adams
Editor of The Carer