Care HomesNews

Deddington Care Home Residents Revive Old Greenhouse

Green-fingered residents at Featherton House Care Home in Deddington are tackling a project to breathe life back into an old greenhouse.

The gardening club at the home has cleared out the building that only had been used for garden storage for some time.

The greenhouse now is brimming with plants grown from seed including courgettes, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, rocket, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, oregano, basil, thyme and Love in a Mist flowers.

Home manager Agi Rygala said: “The residents in the gardening club have taken this project to heart and it is proving to be a real tonic for their health and wellbeing.

“It helps keep residents both mentally and physically active as they plan what they want to cultivate and then care for the plants.

“It all is part and parcel of how, at Featherton House, we encourage residents to maintain their interests and hobbies or develop new ones.”

One resident, Jock Pirie, who used to grow bedding plants and sell them at a nursery in Leamington, loves being part of the gardening club.

“Gardening keeps you active and gives you something nice to think about. Also, it is very rewarding when you start to see your seeds sprouting.  We’ve recently purchased a propagator to speed things along.

“I hope we grow more produce for the home. It would be great to grow fruit and veg all year round for us to use in the kitchen here.”

A fellow gardening fan is Heather Starling, whose interest in cultivating plants and vegetables was sparked by her dad, who was a gardener.

“My dad worked organising and tidying other people’s gardens.  We had a greenhouse and a big garden ourselves. I grew up weeding, spreading manure and building bonfires. We also sold a lot of flowers and vegetables – we were renowned locally and people came to our house to buy them.”

She added: “What I love about gardening is the fresh air and sunshine. It gives you a good feeling when you see your work come to fruition.”

Featherton House Care Home forms part of Wren Retirement Living and is managed by Healthcare Management Solutions. The service provides residential care for up to 25 older people. It has a score of 9.8/10 on the national site and the CQC has rated the home as ‘Good’ with its standards of caring rated as ‘outstanding’.













