
Celebrating 100 Years With Betty From Blackwood

CelebratingBetty Oliver recently celebrated her 100th birthday at Blackwood in Camborne, where home staff made the day exactly what she wanted.

This month Betty Oliver from Blackwood, Cornwall Care’s residential home in Camborne, celebrated her 100th birthday.

As with all birthdays, the care staff at Blackwood put on a special day for Betty, presenting her with cards and gifts for her special day.

When Betty opened her cards, she was completely overwhelmed with gratitude and was very emotional. It was a very special moment for everyone involved.

Betty was delighted by her telegram from the Queen and her gifts from the home.

Turning 100 years old is the biggest birthday milestone any of us can hope for, which is why Cornwall Care try to make the day as wonderful as it can be. And Betty’s beam says it all – it was a truly special day enjoyed by all. The team at Cornwall Care wishes Betty all the best for many more fabulous birthdays to come.













