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Care England 2016 Conference To Examine Mental Health, Wellbeing And The Mental Capacity Act

Care_England_Logo_colour(CMYK)-AWThe Care England 2016 conference & exhibition, ‘Mind Matters, which is taking place at the Church House Conference Centre in London on Wednesday, 16 November, will look in detail at the Mental Capacity Act as well as other aspects of mental wellbeing.

Care England recently conducted a survey amongst its members to explore how successfully the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is being implemented on the front line of residential care right across the sector. A key finding underlined that understanding and awareness of the MCA should be embedded in everyday care home working and not just confined, for example, to training days. The informed and influential speakers at this year’s conference will pick up on the desire revealed in the survey to improve MCA implementation in care homes and pass on their knowledge and experience.

Professor Martin Green, Care England Chief Executive, says:

‘Staff in all care homes, whether they’re looking after adults with learning disabilities, acquired brain injuries or older people with dementia, obviously need to be engaged with the Mental Capacity Act. Many are to be commended on the creative approaches they’re already taking to improve its implementation, but I see our conference as an opportunity to further develop a theoretical understanding of the Act and turn it into daily, working practice.’

Informed and influential speakers

Confirmed speakers to date include Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, a Professor of Palliative Medicine at Cardiff University and an Independent Crossbench member of the House of Lords; Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP, Shadow Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Health; Peter Kinsey, Chief Executive of Care Management Group and Dominique Kent, Director of Operations at The Good Care Group, who will deliver the provider perspective on mental health issues.

All providers, not just Care England members, are encouraged to attend this event which also features an exhibition and seminars from leading sector product and service suppliers. Delegate places can be booked online and early bird discounts are available until 31 August.

Further information is available from  or