Burnley Home Raises More Than £550 With Hawaiian Themed Summer Fete
A Burnley home arranged a Hawaiian themed summer fete and raised more than £550.
MHA Heather Grange opened its doors to the community and converted their garden into a Hawaiian themed space.
More than 50 people including staff, family members and residents were present.
The home managed to raise a total of £595.00 with donations in the form of a raffle and tombola.
The idea of a themed summer fete was suggested by home manager Kim Thompson.
The money will go towards the homes amenities fund, which is used to arrange trips and activities for residents.
Sarah Ashworth, activity coordinator said:
“Planning the Hawaiian themed garden party took around four weeks.
“We transformed the garden, and it was a real team effort.
“Tracey, our catering manager made some delicious cakes and biscuits, which were enjoyed by all.
“Residents loved the grass skirts and garlands, the theme really impressed them, and we received some lovely feedback.
“The weather was nice, which was a huge relief as it had rained for two days prior.
“Everyone was saying how nice the garden looked, and we have still kept some of our decorations up in the garden.
“We are planning to arrange some seaside trips with the money raised and look forward to doing them very soon.
“We want to thank everyone for their support in making the fete a huge success.”