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Bishop Of Dover Visits Whitstable Home As Part Of Maundy Money Service For Resident

A Whitstable home welcomed the Bishop of Dover following a Maundy Money service for one of its residents.

Jean Hall lives at MHA Bradbury Grange and was awarded the Maundy Money for 2023.

Royal Maundy is a religious service in the Church of England held on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday.

At the service, the British monarch or a royal official ceremonially distributes small silver coins known as “Maundy Money” as symbolic alms to elderly recipients.

At the ceremony, the monarch hands to each recipient two small leather string purses. One, a red purse, contains – in ordinary coinage – money in lieu of food and clothing; the other, a white purse, contains silver Maundy coins consisting of the same number of pence as the years of the monarch’s age.

Jean, who is a member of the St Johns Methodist Church in Whitstable did not travel to the service in April this year at the York Minster.

She received her money in the post but was given the opportunity for a service at the home with the Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin presenting her with the money.

Alongside Jean, another member of the church, Graham Godly was also presented with his Maundy Money.

Speaking after the service Jean said: “It was a great service and a nice opportunity to share it with a fellow member of the church.

“I decided not to travel to the service in April due to it being an overnight stay, but I was very proud when I was told I would be receiving the money.

“When I received the money in the post I was very happy, and I keep them safe in my room.

“The Bishop of Dover spoke really well during the service and everyone in the home joined in which was very enjoyable for all of us.

“It really was a great day, there was a nice feeling throughout the home, and everyone enjoyed it.”








