
Berwick Care Made Time For A Cuppa

Funds raised to help families living with dementia

Act-tea-vists from Berwick Care gathered for a Time for a Cuppa tea party on Friday the 3rd March, and raised a £40 to help fund more Admiral Nurses (specialist dementia nurses).

Held in the Board Room, the cakes and cuppa’s were provided by the Directors wives who came in specially for the event to provide the home made cakes the staff enjoyed.

Tristan Brassey, Director of Berwick Care says: “Making time for a cup of tea and a chat with a friend or family member who has dementia can make all the difference in the world to them. We brought all our staff together for a Time for a Cuppa tea party and raised £40 to help Dementia UK fund more Admiral Nurses, working directly with families to help them cope with the fear, uncertainty and difficult everyday reality of dementia.”

“Through our work we see person’s afflicted with this condition on a daily basis and most importantly, see the terrific work that gets put in behind the scenes by our dedicated workforce of carer’s’’

Dr. Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse at Dementia UK said: “The incredible amount raised by people like Berwick Care allows Dementia UK to provide more Admiral Nurses, who are a lifeline for many families. We currently have 184 Admiral Nurses across the country and we want to increase this number to 200 by the end of March. We believe that everybody with dementia, and their families, should have access to this specialist care and support.”