Alzheimer’s Research UK Supports Launch Of Donation Platform’s Gaming Hub
A new charitable gaming hub aimed to raise millions for good causes has been launched by JustGiving with the support of Alzheimer’s Research UK.
JustGiving has unveiled a new service designed to make it easier for video gamers to encourage donations for charities of their choice. Alzheimer’s Research UK is backing the move following its own success in the sector.
Lucy Squance, Director of Supporter-led Fundraising at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Gaming for Social Good is an exciting opportunity for Alzheimer’s Research UK as it will open doors to a new and vastly growing audience. JustGiving is making it easy for people to support causes close to their hearts by simply doing something they love and given the size of the market we believe the potential growth could be a game-changer for the third sector.
“This initiative also allows us to build on our existing work in this area, having already collaborated with Deutsche Telecom, UCL, UEA and Glitchers to create Sea Hero Quest. The app was an international success attracting support from gaming royalty PewDiePie and more importantly giving scientists millions of hours’ worth of user data to analyse, making it one of the biggest citizen science games ever.”
JustGiving said that its Gaming for Social Good hub would offer tools and resources to help make gaming for charity easier from today.
It said it was responding to a large increase in the past year in the number of gamers who want to raise funds for good causes through their activities, such as gaming marathons or challenges.
The donation platform said that more than £75m had been raised for good causes through the live-streaming platform Twitch since 2012.
Other charities also backing the new service include the National Autistic Society and War Child UK, could be used by gamers to attract donations to the charities of their choice.
Keith Williams, general manager of JustGiving UK and Ireland, said: “Over the past year we have seen a huge increase in the number of gamers wanting to do good while they play.
“We are proud to empower individuals and charities to easily connect gaming and live-streaming to their fundraising efforts and capabilities.”