BirthdaysCareCare HomesCare StaffNews

Altrincham Home Holds Surprise Birthday Party For Staff Member Who Has Been Working At Home For 32 Years

An Altrincham home decided to arrange a surprise birthday party for their longest serving staff member.

MHA Handsworth arranged a surprise 80th birthday party for their colleague Suzzane Hitch.

Suzanne works as a kitchen assistant at the home and has done since 1992, making her total service almost 33 years.

The home decided to keep her party a surprise and called her into work by saying she had to take part in some staff training.

Charlotte Fowkes, activity coordinator said:
“Suzanne was over the moon when she found out what had been arranged for her.

“She was in complete shock to begin with and did not expect anything like what we had arranged for her.

“We presented Suzanne with money from a collection from the staff along with flowers, a cake and other gifts.

“Suzanne was very thankful and expressed her gratitude to all of us.

“All the staff, along with our residents, had a great time celebrating her birthday.

“Suzanne is a key part of our MHA Handsworth family, and we all feel very privileged to have spent her birthday with her.”