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Allenbrook Care Home Celebrates Combined 148 Years of Service

As the whole country celebrated The Queen’s 70 years on the throne, Allenbrook Care Home in Fordingbridge, had its own party on the 9th of June, celebrating several anniversaries, including five staff with over 25 years at the home.

The team at Allenbrook celebrated in style with an awards ceremony followed by a drinks reception. Ian Stott, Allenbrook’s manager commented, “We really wanted to thank our team for their commitment and dedication to caring for our residents.”

Sue Cox, a Senior Nurse, who joined in 1992 and who marks 30 years this month said:
“I never dreamed that I would still be here all these years later. It’s due to a genuine love of this beautiful old house, working with a great team, and being able to care for the elderly residents every day. I shall be very happy to see out my nursing career in this lovely happy Home.”

Allenbrook’s longest serving staff member, Mahala Christopher joined in 1989 when the care home first opened. Looking back at her 33 years she remarked: “I can’t believe I’ve been here since the 80s, that almost makes me feel old!” Now a Senior Carer, Mahala explains what’s kept her at Allenbrook for so long: “That’s easy, this place is like a second home to me, and we do everything we can to make this feel like home to all our residents too. We’re like one big family in a lovely big house, surrounded by these gorgeous gardens, who would want to work anywhere else?!”

Following closely on Mahala’s heels is Michelle Witt, a housekeeper who joined in 1991; Karen Roberts, Deputy Manager and Sandra Jackson, a Carer, who joined within days of each other in 1995 and who celebrate 27 years this year.

Ian continues: “We feel very fortunate to be celebrating nearly 150 years’ worth of service between these five members of staff. This is testament to the whole team, and we are so grateful to everyone, particularly over the last two years. The pandemic caused a huge strain on us all, and to have come out the other side, and to be able to celebrate something so wonderful demonstrates what a fantastically committed and caring team we have”