
Sense Joins Call For ‘Adequate And Sustained Financing’ For Adult Social Care

Sense joins call for ‘adequate and sustained financing’ for adult social care

National deafblind charity Sense has today (21 September) responded to the sector submission from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services’ (ADASS), the Care Provider Alliance and the NHS Confederation, calling on government to ensure adequate and sustained financing for adult social care.

Sue Brown, Head of Public Policy at Sense said:

“We agree that a huge change is needed in the way that social care is funded and delivered. Cuts to funding, combined with a growing number of people needing support has had a significant impact on social care services. When local authorities are unable to fund appropriate care it will lead to many older and disabled people missing out on the services they desperately need for day-to-day life.

“Inadequate social care has a knock on effect and results in further demands on the NHS. For example, the deafblind people we support can become more susceptible to falls or require hospital treatment because they didn’t get the support they needed from social care.

“In the Spending Review, it is vital the Government releases enough funds for local authorities to provide the right level of social care support for what is currently a chronically underfunded system.”













