
Public Health Doctors Condemn Cuts

Public health doctors have overwhelmingly condemned severe funding cuts to public health services.

Doctors at the BMA public health doctors conference in London agreed that a century of investment in proactive disease prevention could be undermined, with short- and long-term implications for patients’ health and well-being

Public health doctors called on the Government to cease immediately further cuts in public health and ‘address the issue of public health funding urgently through negotiations with the BMA’.

They also urged the NHS agencies – Public Health England and Public Health Wales – to speak out about rising mortality rates in their countries.

Welsh retired public health consultant Mark Temple told the conference: ‘The clamour of silence from the two public health bodies In England and Wales has been resounding. Not a dicky bird,’ he said. ‘What I hear about it [rising mortality rates] are platitudes.’

Dr Temple added: ‘Many other health doctors have been speaking out courageously on this topic; speaking truth to power is our strength.

The conference passed a motion noting rising mortality rates in the two countries which had ‘not led to any action from either Public Health England or Public Health Wales’.













