Visiting Rights Of Individuals Must Be Paramount Says CQC
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) hasadvised care providers they should not wait until the vaccination programme is complete to allow visits.
The care watchdog said it was aware that some English care homes are continuing to impose blanket bans on visits against government guidance.
Where decisions are being made, whether that is for visiting, people not being allowed to see visiting professionals, testing or vaccinations, the focus must always be on the individual needs and rights of the person they have said, adding that while they understand providers are rightly cautious in order to keep those they care for safe,they mustn’t wait for the completion of the vaccination program to facilitate visits.
With the announcement that each care home resident in England is to have one regular visitor (with tests required before entry and PPE to be worn on site), visiting guidance is likely to be updated shortly. All decisions need to stay under review as circumstances change.
Kate Terroni, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at CQC, said:
“Blanket bans are unacceptable and people should follow Government guidelines, give sufficient weight to local risks and advice from their Director of Public Health as well as giving consideration to the home environment.
The individual must be at the centre of the decision and all decisions need to stay under review as circumstances change.”