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Two Couples Share The Secret To Long Lasting Happiness

IMG_8656Not all couples can look back on their lives and proudly say that they discovered the secret to long lasting happiness with their partners. However, two couples in a Poole Care Home provided their experience and knowledge on getting through the up’s and down’s of a long lasting relationship.

Residents David and Ruth Cole along with Dennis and Kathleen Langdon were treated to a romantic Valentine’s Day lunch at The Links Bupa care home, on Golf Links Road, in Broadstone. Reflecting on their many years together, both couples said that “trusting each other” and “sharing everything equally” are vital to a happy and successful marriage.

David and Ruth Cole who have been together for an impressive 54 years, agreed that they had “been fortunate” and “there’s no magic formula.”

“We enjoy the same things and share many hobbies and interests. In time, our children joined in with our hobbies and interests too. Share everything equally, as one family”, they said.

IMG_8665Dennis who has been married to Kathleen for 45 years, said, “I’m still in love with [Kathleen] even now. My advice for a successful marriage is not to run to a solicitor at every argument! Trust each other.”

Equally, Kathleen said, “My advice is to have a mind of your own, and to also love yourself!”

Sarah Tolley, Resident Experience Manager at The Links, said, “David, Ruth, Kay and Den have truly mastered the art of a happy marriage. Everyone can all learn something from these remarkable people. So we wanted to do something special to mark the occasion – we even cracked open a bottle of Prosecco.”

“Family is at the centre of these successful marriages and here at the Links we make our residents, our family, at the centre of everything we do.”







