Trailblazer Consultation Launched
Employers, learning providers, awarding organisations and other stakeholders are invited to take part in a consultation on the Adult Social Care Worker Apprenticeship Standards.
Apprenticeship Standards will gradually replace Apprenticeship Frameworks by 2017-18 as a result of the Richard Review and the subsequent The Future of Apprenticeships in England: Implementation Plan published by the Government.
They are being developed through groups of employers, known as Trailblazers, in specific industries. Each Trailblazer is creating the new Standards which must be no more than two sides in length and “describe the skills and knowledge that an individual needs to be fully competent in an occupation.”
This consultation, facilitated by Skills for Care, focuses on two proposed Apprenticeship Standards at levels 2 and 3, both dealing with the occupation of adult social care worker.
The drafts have been prepared by nine employers who formed a task and finish group and include Barchester Healthcare, Creative Support Ltd, Hand in Hands, Hendra Health Care (Ludlow) Limited, Hertfordshire County Council, Housing and Care 21, Oxfordshire County Council, West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL) and Woodford Homecare (Chair).
If you would like to read the draft Standards click here. If you would like to comment on them, please visit our survey.