Hidden Cameras – What Do You Think?
Monday 19 May saw the CQC host its first ever round table discussion around the hotly debated topic – covert surveillance.
Attended by key representatives and professionals from across the adult social care sector, the event was an opportunity to have a really open, honest and timely debate around the use of hidden cameras – including its role in exposing poor care – following questions we have already raised formally in our consultation.
The CQC acknowledges that this theme generates a huge range of opinion with many people supporting the idea that there might be some circumstances where cameras could be used, and many more wanting to know how important issues like someone’s dignity, privacy and respect would be maintained.
Finding a solution is never going to be easy – but one thing is clear, the round table session provided a really great opportunity to flush out what all of this could mean in reality, as well as exploring what part CQC, providers and families have to play.
Commenting on yesterday’s event, our Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe, said: “There wasn’t consensus on all points in the room, but most certainly felt that the use of covert surveillance by CQC should be a last resort and that we need to listen to people who are using services, their families, staff and other visitors and respond effectively.
“There’s more work to do but I am very grateful to everyone who took part.”
If you’d like to have your say, please take part in our consultation which ends on 4 June 2014.