CareCare HomesCare StaffNews

Thistle Court Care Homehonours 29 Years Of Dedicated Service Of Team Member

Thistle Court Care Home recently marked a remarkable milestone, honouring a dedicated member of their kitchen team for an incredible 29 years of service. Bev Wernham began her journey at Thistle Court on 5thMarch 1995, initially joining as a temporary staff member, assisting in the kitchen. Beforeher time at Thistle, Bev managed her own fruit and vegetable stall in Cwmbran Town.

However, driven by her passion for helping others, Bev decidedto transition to working in a care home, where she could actively contribute to the well-being ofitsresidents, which the home fondly refers to as family members. Bev expressed, “I like to come to work and feel that I’m helping and making people happy. It’s like a second home”. Home Manager, Sarah Butfield has also shared, “Bev goes above and beyond to support our family members and our staff. She is always smiling and brings joy to many assheworks throughout the home. Mealtime experience is very important to Bev and she coaches new staff in ways to support our family members to enjoy their meals and snacks”.







