The Royal Star & Garter Home In Solihull Receives Award For Outstanding Dementia Care
Staff at The Royal Star & Garter Homes were delighted that the Solihull Home’s Roundel Wing was recently awarded Level 1 status, following the recent unannounced Dementia Care Audit by Dementia Care Matters.
Level 1 is the highest accolade achievable through Dementia Care Matters’ National Kitemark awards. It indicates that the Home is demonstrating exceptional person-centred dementia care.
The Solihull Home’s Manager, Sue Tompkins, commented:
“I am overwhelmed with pride, the whole team has strived so hard to reach the ultimate accolade of Level 1 and the efforts have all been for the love of the very special residents that are living at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull.”
Such has been the dedication of the dementia care teams that the Charity is now able to provide dementia care training in-house, working in conjunction with the expertise and experience of its highly motivated staff, who understand person-centred care and ensure that the highest possible standards are maintained.
Nurse Mark Bebbington with resident John Marklew and Gill Dunn, Deputy Manager, in the Solihull Home gardens
The staff have created Homes that is infused with laughter, warmth and love. The physical care needs of residents are met discreetly and with their active participation and involvement. They understand that having a purpose is vital to a person’s well-being and take time to understand how they can help each individual. For example, inviting someone to prepare the vegetables for lunch creates a sense of purpose and ensures people feel valued and needed.
The teams do not work to a set of tasks or deadlines, they work alongside people ‘at their pace’, ‘in their place’. Skills can be learnt but genuine warmth needs to come from within. This desire to provide the best care means the teams are constantly sharing their understanding of each individual and supporting each other in being the best they can possibly be.
There are no barriers, the teams wear their own colourful and comfortable clothes and regularly ‘dress up’ in costumes to promote fun and role play. They create special moments, fun, distraction and something that is very special. Having been recognised for their exceptional dementia care, staff are passionate about maintaining and developing this level of excellence.
The Charity has just been notified that the Solihull Home dementia care team has been shortlisted as finalists in the forthcoming national Dementia Care Awards 2014. A nomination for this award was submitted in the category ‘Best Dementia Team’ and the Home is proud that the superb quality of care has shone through and the team have made it to the finals.