
The Generation Games

A group of 15-17 year olds from the National Citizen Service  (NCS) summer programme have been working with residents at Heatherdene Nursing Home in Bexhill, to help bridge the divide between generations.

After a meet and greet at Heatherdene’s Summer BBQ, the group organised an activities day of quizzes, bingo and games. They carried out risk assessments, arranged the marketing, baked cakes and managed the whole project themselves. They also raised a whopping £141.12 for the Alzheimer’s Society!

Home services administrator Sally Bossom was impressed with the positive reaction from Heatherdene’ residents saying “These wonderful young people brought a new energy into the home, we are so impressed we are going to continue to promote inter- generational activities commencing with the hosting of baby development classes in conjunction with the Tots play UK baby and toddler programme in a few weeks time.”







