The Care Act – Are You Prepared?
Free materials to support Care Act implementation
Skills for Care and the National Skills Academy for Social Care, in partnership with The College of Social Work, have produced free learning and development materials to ensure that the workforce is ready and capable to deliver the changes required by the Care Act 2014.
Implementation of the Act in April 2015 will have significant implications for the adult social care workforce in England.
The materials are an introduction to the changes brought about by the Act. They are intended as a first step towards building a competent workforce in relation to the Act by providing information and learning about those changes.
Topic areas cover all of the key parts of the Act.
- Introduction and overview of the Act
- Information and advice
- First contact and identifying needs
- Charging and financial assessment
- Person centred care and support planning
- Transition to adulthood
- Partnerships, cooperation and integration
The materials include presentations (with and without audio), specialist briefings, open learning workbooks, factsheets, exercises, case studies and ‘talking head’ videos. Rather than an ‘off the peg’ training pack, they are designed to be adapted and used by leaders, managers, self-directed learners and learning and development professionals in the sector using their judgement and expertise.
To download your free copies visit
How prepared are you?
To get started take a look at our workforce readiness tool.
This will help you reflect upon your current workforce, its skills and knowledge and how the Care Act may require a change of approach.
Answer the questions in the tool and you will receive an individual ‘readiness report’ via email. It includes an assessment of the level of preparedness indicated by your answers and provides links to specific resources that have been identified to support workforce development in areas where more work may be needed. It is designed to be used more than once depending on the workforce readiness issues you want to explore.
If you want some support to help you think through the issues of implementing change, take a look at our workforce capacity planning model. This will help you start a discussion and guide your thinking, using the different areas to prompt you.