
Take Part: Survey Of Social Workers’ Looks At Care Package Cuts

Community Care and the Care and Support Alliance have launched a survey asking adult social workers about the decisions they are making about peoples’ care in the current financial climate.

Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/G35B6VS

Directors of adult social services were clear at the start of the last financial year that 24% of planned savings in 2016-17 would come from cutting services or reducing the personal budgets of people who receive care and support (ADASS Budget Survey 2016). Community Care want to know whether and how these cuts have been realised, and the impact on older and disabled people and their carers.

The survey is aimed at adults’ social workers currently practising in England and any other local authority social services staff whose role includes carrying out care package reviews.

It takes approximately 5-10 minutes and can be completed anonymously. It’s open until 10 May.

Community Care is an online resource for social care professionals in the UK. Any data provided will be held by Community Care and shared with the Care and Support Alliance.

If you have any questions relating to the survey, please get in touch with Fredi Cavander-Atwood, co-chair of the CSA Policy and Research Group: fredi.cavander-attwood@mssociety.org.uk