R&RA joins forces with Rights for Residents
Leading care campaign groups, the Relatives & Residents Association (R&RA) and Rights for Residents, have joined forces.
Following the merger, the Rights For Residents campaign will continue under the R&RA. The merged organisations are also in the process of a rebrand, including a new look and a new name which will launch over next couple of months.
Rights for Residents was set up in the summer of 2020 by Jenny Morrison and Diane Mayhew as a direct response to the impact of lockdown restrictions on Jenny’s mum, who was living in care at the time. Their efforts have been hugely successful, attracting thousands of supporters and helping to ensure the media keeps a spotlight on issues around isolation and residents’ rights more widely. The campaign brought together families from across the country to successfully lobby for changes to the restrictions around visiting.
Helen Wildbore, Director of R&RA said:
“We are delighted to have joined forces with Rights For Residents. It’s a meeting of hearts and minds as we fight together for care rights.”
Diane Mayhew said: “We’re excited to unite with the Relatives & Residents Association to become a powerful voice of those in care.”
“We know how much our voice is needed. We hear daily, from our members and calls to the helpline, how people are being failed by the care system. As a united voice for people needing care and their families, we will stand up for care rights across the UK and fight for a better care system.”
“The pandemic highlighted that the rights of people needing care are up for grabs. From poor quality care due to staff shortages, to isolation due to visiting restrictions, all too often, people living in care don’t have their needs met or their rights respected.”
“We can’t let this go on. So our shared goal is to strengthen the fight for the rights of people using care services, so that everyone can enjoy a good quality of life with the support they need to thrive.”
“In our campaigning, there is still so much to do as we continue our call for a new right to a Care Supporter. This vital new right will ensure that no-one is ever left isolated from their key family carer. More widely we also need urgent reform of social care, to ensure the rights of residents are at the heart of the sector moving forwards.”
“We also plan to strengthen and grow our helpline and support offer. We know that we currently reach just a small fraction of the older people experiencing problems with care. We will be developing our website and improving outreach through social media so that we can help more people to get the support they need and stand up for the rights of people needing care.”
“We still have work to do to do behind the scenes, but there will be more exciting news to share in the coming months as we get ready to launch a new look and a new name, with a fresh sense of urgency and purpose.”