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Residents from OSJCT Spencer Court Care Home Help to test Blenheim Palace’s Accessibility Features

Care home residents from the Orders of St John Care Trust’s Spencer Court, including a former tour guide, recently visited Blenheim Palace to help inform the large visitor attraction’s accessibility plans.

The trip was arranged by Dorte, the Home Manager and Lorraine, who is a Volunteer at Spencer Court, situated in Woodstock. Lorraine is also a Palace Host, helping with tickets, passes and working alongside the information desk. Before becoming a Palace Host, Lorraine was a Tour Guide. She started in 2007 so her knowledge of the Palace is extensive.

Lorraine is also one of the Palace’s accessibility champions, and in addition to enjoying a nice day out, this was a key aspect of the tour. She took the group on a guided tour, inside and outside the Palace to test out wheelchair access across different areas of the Palace. Lorraine said: “Blenheim Palace has a stairlift taking wheelchairs and pushchairs onto the second floor, and slopes for the bottom levels. But until someone has real experience of going around the Palace in a wheelchair, and shares that experience with us, we can’t tell how straightforward it will be. It’s been really valuable to hear feedback from the residents and their carers.”

This was the second tour Lorraine organised for Spencer Court residents, and Dorte and Lorraine plan to have more trips for more residents soon. The Palace currently offer free walk-in passes for the locals so they’re hoping they can invite residents’ relatives to come next time. The Palace has also supported the home by donating several garden planters made at their own sawmill.

Lorraine became a Volunteer for the Trust earlier this year. After the pandemic, she was aware that residents still weren’t allowed any visitors for a long period of time, so she wanted to help and be a friend to them.

Lorraine said: “It’s nice to bring both of my connections together and take some of the residents on a day out, whilst also bringing the community together. It’s also wonderful to see Janette, one of the residents, back at her former place of work, as we used to work together here as tour guides.”

Bill was another one of the residents who came along, he said: “I’ve had a magnificent day. Being in this beautiful garden whilst eating lunch has been my favourite part. I’ve been here many times, as I have lived in the area for around 70 years and I’m now 101.”