
Recognition Of Care And Kindness At Warmley House Care Home

Warmley-House-Care-HomeAll staff at Warmley House were recently presented with the prestigious Four Seasons Health Care ROCK (Recognition Of Care and Kindness) Award for showing an exemplary standard of care towards residents. The Award is particularly deserved as winners are nominated by relatives and residents. This nomination was made by a relative who wanted to show her appreciation for their involvement in the care of her dad. Most of the nominated staff were present for the presentation of the award which was accepted by Clinical Lead Nurse Sue Fortune on behalf of the care team at Warmley House.

Sue Fortune said: ‘I am happy to accept the award on behalf of all the care staff at Warmley House Care Home. I would like to say that all the staff work very hard and it is nice to have the recognition for their efforts.’

Pictured from left to right: Katie Merrick, Jade Whereat, Yvonne Mortimore, Amanda Ponting, Leigh Matthews, Jayne Leighton, Pauline Matthias, Michelle Tiley, Adam Heard, Mark Steele, Claire Pengelly, Sue Fortune with Home Manager, Sue Horsewell