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Ray’s Café Is Opened At Handford House Care Home In Ipswich

Residents at Handford House in Ipswich are delighted to be able to visit Ray’s Café – their own coffee bar in the garden at the Ipswich home.

Ray’s Café has been lovingly developed using the visiting pod which was put into the garden at the start of the pandemic and is fully equipped with heating and electricity. It will be used as a venue for lots of café activities, meetings with friends and relatives or just for residents who may want to get away from the main house for a cuppa every so often.

Handford House deputy manager Naomi Bender explained, “Earlier this year we were advised of some money being donated by the family of one of our residents – her brother Ray had just passed away and the family wanted to make donations to the home in his memory.”

Ray’s café has had two openings – one with Ray’s family and then a grand opening held during the Handford House summer fete which had a Hawaiian theme.
During the event Naomi paid tribute to the team who have worked hard to create Ray’s Café – with hours of painting, sorting out furniture and giving the pod a café feel, as well as an especially commissioned new sign which reads “Ray’s Café – Refreshments provided, just bring love and laughter.”