Peregrine House in Whitby

Outstanding Whitby Care Home Is CQC’s Top In Country

Peregrine-House-in-WhitbyThe Care Quality Commission has rated Peregrine House in Whitby, North Yorkshire, as Outstanding following an unannounced inspection in October.  Uniquely, the home has been awarded Outstanding in all 5 areas of the criteria considered, a clean sweep which currently tops every other residential care home in the UK. 

Care homes are evaluated for their ability to demonstrate that they are Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.  While 43 of the 9186 care homes in the country have been awarded an overall ‘Outstanding’ for a majority rating on the categories, only Peregrine House has achieved Outstanding across the board; a first for the inspectorate. The full report of the inspection at Peregrine House is available on the CQC website at at:

Peregrine House provides personal care for up to thirty seven people who have dementia related conditions in addition to physical care needs.

On the day of the inspection the CQC spoke with seven people who lived at the home, four visitors, the registered manager and five members of staff. The inspector attended a staff handover meeting and spoke with four health care professionals and two social care professionals about the service.

Time was spent observing the interaction between people who lived at the home and the staff. Areas of the home, including bedrooms, communal areas, the laundry room and office accommodation were inspected. Residents’ records were examined along with procedures for the recruitment, supervision and appraisal records of four members of staff, a full staff training matrix and other reports relating to the management of the home.

Residents told inspectors they felt safe and emotionally supported by the staff and management.  They acknowledged that certain staff were appointed to be champions in key areas to anticipate and adapt the service to people’s changing needs. These leaders ensure risks to residents are well managed and identify, research and source best practice and training needs.  The inspectors found a strong focus on person-centred care, with residents able to enjoy a good quality of life with minimal restrictions, supported by an experienced and robust management that performed consistently well, and received recognised awards.

Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care in the North, said:

“We observed warm, caring, kind interactions throughout our inspection, and many people spoke positively about the care being provided and were very happy. Everyone at Peregrine House should feel proud of the work they do.

“We saw many examples where the care was delivered in a thoughtful and respectful way which met with people’s needs. People consistently told us that, when they raised ideas or suggestions to staff, they were supported so that this could happen.

“It is clear that people are at the heart of the service’s values and they strived to ensure people are provided emotional as well physical care, and to help them enjoy their lives with little restriction.

It is for this and many other reasons why the service has received the highest rating we can give.”

Dr Kevin O’ Sullivan and his wife Teresa O’Sullivan are proud that Alison Bedford, who won Registered Care Home Manager of the Year in the 2013 National Care Awards, continues to lead her team to achieve these exceptional standards.

Alison commented “Peregrine House residents and staff are all valued equally. Working together to make life rewarding for everyone is what makes the place tick so that we continue to be not only a benchmarking care home but also a happy place to live or work.”