CareCare HomesCare ResidentsCare StaffNews

Oulton Park Care Home Brings The Local Community Together

Staff, residents, relatives and the local community came together at Oulton Park to enjoy an open day that was held at the home on Saturday.

Oulton Park hosted a variety of activities throughout the day, including Military Vehicles, tombola stall, live entertainment and games which were enjoyed by everyone who came to the event.

Staff at Oulton Park made everyone feel welcome and were delighted to see different generations having fun together. Visitors enjoyed plenty of refreshments, such as coffee and cakes prepared by the catering team, who were hard at work making sure that a great time was had by all – it really was a team effort!

Resident, , said, “I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was surrounded by lots of great people, and the refreshments kept flowing. The weather held out until we finished. Staff did a great job, not just on the day, but organising the event and getting everyone together.”

Sarah Wright, General Manager at the home, said: “Staff at Oulton Park Care Home are dedicated to making sure that the home is a hub of the local community, and this event, along with all their hard work, has definitely paid off. It was a resounding success!”