
Orpington School Donates Plants to Home for Adults with Learning Disabilities

The staff and residents of Cabrini House in Orpington were delighted by a recent donation of 120 plants from Perry Hall Primary School. The adults that live at Cabrini House all have learning disabilities and really enjoy spending time in their garden and the plants were received with much enthusiasm.

The young plants including turnips, lettuces and spinach have all been planted and are being cared for by the adults that Diagrama supports. Everyone is very keen to see if they have ‘green fingers’ and are looking forward to a bumper crop that they can use to make healthy and nutritious meals.

Neeley Taylor who oversees Perry Hall Primary School’s edible garden, said,  “Perry Hall Primary is a community school, and our edible garden provides a fantastic opportunity to be part of our extended community. This includes helping to share resources, when we can, so others too can enjoy the amazing benefits of growing food and being outdoors.”

Claire Morlham, Manager at Cabrini House, said, “We cannot thank Perry Hall Primary School enough for their generous donation of over 120 young plants for our residents. We encourage everyone to get involved in all aspects of running the home and tending to the garden. The adults we support spent a lovely day in the garden clearing the raised beds and planting the vegetables and lettuces and they are really looking forward to harvesting the crop next spring. As everyone loves being out in the garden, we are asking for donations so that we can buy more cutters, snippers, gloves, rakes, and topsoil for every person to use. Our next project, which will involve everyone who wants to help, is to build a composting area as part of our efforts to recycle.”







