NCF Launches Its Manifesto
On Tuesday 3 December, The National Care Forum (NCF) launched its Manifesto, shaped by members, outlining key asks for social care and quick wins for the first 100 days of a new government.
The key asks in the Manifesto include:
- Respect and recognition for the value of social care
- A 3-5 year funding settlement NOW to protect the provision of care, as part of a long-term funding solution
- A long-term vision for social care shaped by those who use it now, and in the future
- A professionally skilled workforce, properly valued, better paid, with more training and development
- The creation of an innovation transformation fund
Vic Rayner, Executive Director of the National Care Forum, said;
“There is a consensus that our current social care system is in urgent need of reform. Whilst we can celebrate the success of increased longevity, this is being undermined by more years lived in poor health and an increasing demand for care amongst people of working age. A 20-year cycle of reports, reviews and independent commissions, not to mention missing green papers, has failed to bring the change we need. This needs to end!
She continued;
“On 13 December, the new government must recognise the importance of social care, the need for an immediate 3-5 year funding settlement as part of a long-term funding solution and a long-term vision for social care shaped by those who use it now, and in the future.”
You can find a full copy of the NCF Manifesto at: